Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe page, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the best Tomyum Noodles with mushrooms (vegan) recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Tomyum Noodles with mushrooms (vegan)
Tomyum Noodles with mushrooms (vegan)

Before you jump to Tomyum Noodles with mushrooms (vegan) recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Strength Boosting Snacks.

Healthy and balanced eating helps bring about a feeling of well being. We are likely to feel way less gross whenever we increase our consumption of healthy foods and decrease our consumption of processed foods. A salad allows us to feel a lot better than a piece of pizza (physically in any case). Sometimes it’s tough to find healthy foods for something to eat between meals. You can spend numerous hours at the supermarket searching for an ideal snack foods to make you feel healthy. Why not try one of the following healthy snacks the next time you need some extra energy?

Eating almonds is an excellent option as long as you do not have a nut allergy. As an all-in-one energy booster, almonds offer many health rewards. Almonds really are a natural source of B vitamins as well as other vitamins and minerals. They do, however, contain tryptophan-the same enzyme that makes you tired after eating turkey. Regarding almonds, however, they wont allow you to long for a nap. These nuts loosen up the muscles and offer a general sense of peace. From time to time eating almonds can also be a mood enhancer!

There are lots of healthy snack foods you can choose that do not involve a lot of preparation or searching. When you make the decision to be healthy, it’s easy to find just what you need to be successful at it.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to tomyum noodles with mushrooms (vegan) recipe. To cook tomyum noodles with mushrooms (vegan) you need 13 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to make Tomyum Noodles with mushrooms (vegan):
  1. Use 2 portion rice noodles
  2. Prepare 1 tbsp cooking oil
  3. Provide 1/2 bag bean sprouts
  4. You need 1 pack mushrooms of your choice (I use oyster mushrooms and Enoki mushrooms)
  5. Use 2 lemon grass (chopped and bruised)
  6. Take 2 big red chilli (chopped)
  7. Get 1 handful coriander (roughly chopped)
  8. Get 1-2 lime
  9. You need 2-3 tbsp soysauce
  10. Prepare 2-3 kaffir lime leaves
  11. Take 1 tsp sugar
  12. Use 2 tbsp chilli jam or chilli oil (choose vegan version if you prefer)
  13. Provide Chilli flakes (optional)
Instructions to make Tomyum Noodles with mushrooms (vegan):
  1. Prepare all these ingredients to make vegan tomyum noodle soup.
  2. Boil clean water in a medium side saucepan. Once water is boiling, add rice noodle in and cook for 5-6 min. Sieve them out and transfer to a mixing bowl. Add some cooking oil and mix well to stop noodle stick together.
  3. On the same saucepan, add a little more water, wait until water boiling again then add some lemon grass, soysauce and chilli jam or chilli oil. Mix well.
  4. Add some fresh chilli, lime juice and kaffir lime leaves then mix well.
  5. Add some mushrooms, sugar and leave them to cook for about 5 minutes.
  6. Serving time, separate noodle into 2 bowls, add some beans sprouts on top, then add some soup, mushrooms, coriander and can top up with more lime and chilli flakes if prefer.

Try this Tom Yum with Mushrooms recipe, or contribute your own. This vegetarian/vegan version of Tom Yum Soup is easy to make, and just as healthy (if not more so!) than the original recipe. Tom Yum Thai soup is the most popular recipe of all the Thai soups. It usually includes shrimp, but a vegetarian version is just as satisfying. If you love noodles and Tom Yum like me, good news.

If you find this Tomyum Noodles with mushrooms (vegan) recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.